Everything Happens By Itself

Marker Pen on Newspaper 
"Kurier" Wiener Zeitung from Austria

Part of the, "Everything Happens By Itself", Tour in 2019 when I drove from Vienna in Austria to Pitlochry in Scotland in my Peugeot Boxer, my studio on wheels, painting on the local newspapers from wherever I was at the time.

This newspaper was actually drawn, (with marker pens), on the Island of Bali one year before. Even so I included it into my Tour.

There's no beginning or end to it, to the journey.
As things are made of gold so does gold remain gold even when melted down. Beyond the idea of "things" all is one & eternally we are one in being which is always now. All places & times inbetween are illusory and transient.

The Exhibition, "The Weightlessness of Nothing", is also nothing but an appearance, a show of artworks in time which may bring you to become inquisitive.

Art is not only what you imagine it to be. It can be seen also as the search for your true nature which may be beyond all answers. Without judgement Art is great. It can awaken you to discover that after all it matters not where you are going, it is the journey itself that is joyful.

What you are right now, is it not all you ever can be? Have you ever experienced joy in the future? Joy, is it not a now experience?

This work is for sale

To express your interest in buying this work please email pete@petekilkenny.com directly or click below Register Interest